Monday, July 14, 2008

I used to think...

that people tend to suffer because they make a big deal out of small things. I used to think that it's either black or white..there's no middle gray. It's either a 'yes' or a 'no'..that 'maybe' isn't an option. I thought it's that easy. I thought it wrong.It's never that easy...and there are some considerations. And the reason why people get complex is because of their emotions. What we think and what we feel sometimes differ. And we're having a hard time deciding which one to follow. Should we be logical or emotional? Should we listen to the cerebral or to the hypothalamus? The answer is up to us. It's funny how we ask for advice to other people. I have always believed that an advice is something you already know yourself, but need others to confirm it. And sometimes, we wish they tell us the opposite because we just don't wanna do what we should do..because it's hard..because we don't want to... because we're not ready..we're not prepared..or maybe we just don't wanna give up yet. We're hoping against hope for something good to happen that would lead us back to where we used to be... to that certain that certain person.It's 'denial' for some and 'faith' for others.The tragic is, people become bitter and afraid. Bitter for the 'should haves and could haves'...and afraid for the 'what ifs'.....And worse, we blame ourselves. And we're never the same again.If we get in a situation like this, what should we do? I don't know what your answers are. But for me, I'd pray. Pray for someone who would come and save me from this depression. That somewhere out there, that someone exists.....only for me.And when the right time comes, he's gonna come up to me and say, "Snap out of it."
Then you'd feel grateful for those people who had caused you pain..because they honed your strength, courage and perseverance...and in the process, prepared you for that 'someone'.

Thank you Jhen, for making me realize these things...sometimes, you teach me things just by telling me your experiences. But it would be better if you'd realize this also..hehe.. Peace!

1 comment:

eLizha said...

"I have always believed that an advice is something you already know yourself, but need others to confirm it."

indeed, its good to ask someone first to confirm what you think is right. but....

the best thing to do if you need true answer is to pray, "Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you. d&c 6:5